Impacts of Untreated Hearing Loss

Many people are aware they’re suffering from hearing loss, but find it difficult to get help. Those who have been diagnosed with hearing loss wait, on average, seven years before seeking treatment. The reasons for waiting on help vary; some are frustrated by hearing loss, believing it to be a sign of aging. Others think […]

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ReSound Hearing Products

ReSound provides excellent sound by offering innovative hearing solutions that combine original thinking and design with solid technology – all based on deep audiological insight and understanding of hearing aid users.

manufacturer caption call@2x


Do you or someone you know have trouble hearing on the telephone? With CaptionCall you can understand every word of every phone call. Its large easy-to-read screen quickly displays written captions of what your callers say. That means you can get more from your conversations – and from life.

Types of Hearing Loss

Hearing loss can be experienced in varying degrees, such as mild, moderate, moderately-severe, severe or profound. Additionally, this loss can also vary depending on pitches or frequencies. A series of hearing tests can determine the amount of loss you experience compared to an average of many other adult listeners with typical hearing. The volume of […]

Live Speech Mapping

In the past, hearing evaluations and fittings for hearing aids consisted mostly of a series of beeps and noises. Today, audiologists are equipped with new technologies and methods to make the hearing evaluation process and hearing aid programming process more effective. One of the more advanced technologies available is live speech mapping, a method of […]

Evaluation for Hearing Aids

There are several steps that are part of a hearing aid evaluation. If you suspect that you might need a hearing aid, you will first need to have a hearing evaluation. At the time of the hearing evaluation, a case history will be taken to determine how much your hearing problem impacts your day-to-day life […]